Rummy Culture, India’s fastest-growing online rummy platform, from the house of Gameskraft, provides a best-in-class gaming experience and introduces its marquee campaign “Champions Yahan bhi bante hain, Rummy Culture, Champions ka culture” with sporting legends in a bid to promote champions in rummy.
The campaign features sporting legends from India’s favorite sports: Cricket, Tennis, Shooting & Snooker. Harbhajan Singh, Mahesh Bhupathi, Abhinav Bindra, and Pankaj Advani, each brings with them their unique skills and highlight how using them in a game of rummy gives them an edge over other players. GamesKraft’s vision is to create a 360-degree turnaround in the culture of playing and understanding Rummy in the country.
Amit Kushwaha Head of brand strategy gameskraft said, At Rummy Culture our constant endeavor has been to change the way rummy is perceived. We want to debunk myths surrounding the sport, make it accessible and foster a community of professional rummy players and encourage more players to sign up. We are the only ISO 9001:2015 certified gaming platform, which ensures a safe, and secure gaming ecosystem for our players.
We aim to give every player a premium and hassle-free rummy-playing experience on our website, android, and iOS Apps. Through this campaign, we are trying to bring Rummy equal to other sports & move out of the space of gaming. Rummy also requires skills like focus, concentration, practice, quick thinking, strategic thinking, and planning like any other game.
Harbhajan Singh said It is great to be a part of this campaign. Introducing sports is always a pleasure and bringing yet another sporting activity to the people is exciting. Rummy Culture, the app is intuitive and easy to use which in turn changes the entire gaming experience and makes it more engaging.
Rummy Culture boasts a community of over 1 Crore users. The platform aims at providing a seamless gaming experience. The games are designed on an extremely user-friendly UI and make it convenient for first-time players to understand and play the game hassle-free. Intuitive design and seamless, safe, and secure user experience are the USPs of GamesKraft the parent company that was also founded in 2017 by a group of highly experienced technology professionals who are passionate about gaming.