Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s WhatsApp channel has crossed 1 million subscribers just 24 hours after its launch, making it one of the fastest-growing WhatsApp channels in the world. The channel was launched on Tuesday, September 19, and has been sharing a variety of content, including photos, videos, and text messages from the Prime Minister. Modi’s first post on the channel was a photo of himself inside the new Parliament building.
The channel has been well-received by users, with many people praising Modi for his direct communication with the public. Some users have also said that the channel is a good way to stay updated on the Prime Minister’s activities and the government’s latest initiatives. The rapid growth of Modi’s WhatsApp channel is a testament to his popularity and the reach of the platform in India. WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in India, with over 500 million active users.
The Prime Minister’s WhatsApp channel is a new way for him to connect with the public and share his thoughts and ideas. It is also a new way for the government to communicate with the people and get feedback on its policies and programs. The success of Modi’s WhatsApp channel is likely to inspire other leaders and organizations to use the platform to connect with their audiences.
The rapid growth of Modi’s WhatsApp channel is significant for a number of reasons. First, it is a testament to his popularity and the reach of the platform in India. Second, it shows that social media is playing an increasingly important role in Indian politics. Third, it gives Modi a direct line of communication with his supporters and allows him to bypass the traditional media.
It is likely that Modi will use his WhatsApp channel to promote his policies and agenda in the lead-up to the 2024 general elections. The channel could also be used to mobilize supporters and get out the vote.